Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Damned if you do; Damned if you don't...

The war in Afghanistan is finally getting what it needs, more troops. There is only one problem with this that I can see. It’s the fact that the vast majority of them are ours. I had come to think that terrorism is affecting the world as a whole. When the war on terrorism started eight years ago the majority of the free world was behind us. It seems as the war went on country after country started to back out due to political pressures even though it was clearly stated in the beginning that this wasn’t going to be a short war. So the burden on America grew greater and greater as we took care of the slack that everyone else has left. The problem with this is that as more and more countries denounce terrorism in one hand, they then turn around and in the other condemn America for being world wide bullies. I would like to see what will happen when we finally withdrawal combat forces from Afghanistan. Terrorism isn’t going to go away and without western infidels in their back yard to fight, they are going to travel abroad. When that happens I want to see what the world as a majority will say about the U.S. Why didn’t we stay and finish the job, why did we lose the war in Afghanistan, why did we let terrorism spread across the globe unchecked. It will definitely be interesting and it looks like that will be starting within the next few years. So let’s see what plays out, are we going to be world saviors or the western Satan.


  1. I agree with you on the build up of American troops in Afghanistan is not good at all. Fighting an unknown war that most other countries have failed to do especially in Afghanistan. We keep building up troops to send over there to fight a war that these Taliban soldiers have known nothing but to fight they’re whole life. No one has ever won a war there, and in a way this is a modern day Vietnam War. We will always be fighting terrorism if everyone was good what would evil be. CNN reported that lawmakers want to have a deadline to withdrawal troops or have some sort of plan to win the war there. With really no other country helping us out except NATO who has about 5,000 more there we have roughly 100,000 troops there and more on the way. One quote from article states "You either have a winning strategy ... and then once it's succeeded, then we withdraw or, as the president said, we will have a date [for] beginning withdrawal in July 2011. We can fight and fight there but in my mind is more money spending on something we cannot win even with all of our technology. Are we spending more and more money on a war that may last along time rather then taking a step back and rethink everything? Yes I know you can say then that gives them time to recoup or recruit more people and I believe it really does not matter. With new and new strategies done, it just seems that everything keeps getting put back and some new strategy is made up again.


  2. It is ridiculous that eight years after beginning this war on terrorism we are so far off course that it is frustrating. I backed the war when we first went in. We all thought our main purpose of going into it was to take out Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda. We, as a country alone, cannot stop terrorism completely. I agree with Over the Hills and Through the Woods that in the beginning we had other countries standing behind us and year after year one by one they backed off and were not supporting us as they once did. At some point I understand why. We lost our reasons for being in war. We got sidetracked with Bush's need to seek revenge for what his father went through and it cost us trillions of dollars and many lives to make him happy. I support the troops in their want of defending our country but at what point should our government say enough is enough. We have not succeeded in the ways we would have hoped. I in no way believe that there should be more troops sent over to fight because more than likely not even half of them will come back alive. What is the point in starting peace by breaking it? I am all for bringing world peace but we are going about it the wrong way and I agree that the moment we pull out all hell will break lose and who will the world run to for support? The United States. I feel had we taken care of business 8 years ago we wouldn't have to worry about this at the moment. I am happy that Saddam was captured and executed but at that moment it was time to stop Al Qaeda not keep fighting a useless war against something we cannot fully stop.

  3. Very nicely done blog, I agree with the point that you brought up about how eight years years ago there was quite a large number of countries on board to fight the war on terror. After that though we differ in opinion about the reasons why. First of all looking back this was never really a war on terror to begin with, it was America trying to look strong after a moment of weakness. Yes we initially had a whole lot of support from various acquaintances and allies alike, mostly because of their respect for the USA. Then as the years moved on respect only could take us so far so what started as a favor to a friend became a commitment they were not prepared to take. Pretty much like when a friend asks to stay at your place for the night and then is still there eight years later, living rent free. So we are that friend and we have definitely overstayed our welcome.
