Friday, October 2, 2009

A Devided House Will Fall...

I recently read an opinion piece on Fox News that caught my attention. "10 Thoughts on Incivility in America", by Bill Shuler a pastor at a church in Arlington, brings up a problem that we run into every day in politics. I am not an overly religious person but this man of the cloth brings up some things that politicians and everyone for that matter, should remember. All too often especially of late, there is name calling and mud slinging across the political dividing line. I feel that this common practice takes up time and energy that could be focused on the problem at hand. Not to mention the fact it is human nature to jump on the defensive and fire back once a person is verbally attacked. In a world where 95% of what we hear and see in main stream media is negative in some way shape or form, the last place we need incivility is in our elected officials who are going to shape national policy that not only effect us but the world around us. It seems at times that our government has turned into the high school lunch room where name calling and finger pointing run wild. Instead of everyone duking it out over who caused the problem why can't they hold a conversation like an adult and fix it. It's easy for me to sit here and say everyone should just get along and be nice. Lets be real it's not going to happen we are human, but we should at least give it our best shot to reduce the madness and concentrate on the issues at hand.

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