Friday, October 30, 2009

Where There's Smoke There's Fire...

Government, just the word can be scary, aggravating, intimidating, or sometimes even comical. Our government has been around for over 200 years and is constantly adapting to an ever changing world, not to mention trying to work out all the kinks that were already in place. This whole process to me seems to get even more complicated by the constant infighting between political parties and everyone else.
All too often the left and right spend more time pointing fingers than actually working on the issue at hand. I truly believe that is one of, if not the main problem facing our government today.
Something that doesn’t help the fact is that main stream media uses this constant conflict to gain ratings, which in turn fans the flames between the political isles. So it seems like a never ending cycle with everyone involved just feeding off the anger and aggravation. With an atmosphere like this it’s not surprising that the American people and the world for that matter are losing faith in the United States.
If we could all stop for a little while put aside the petty arguing and work together to get things accomplished in this country, we would be a lot better off. How many times has a piece of legislation came down the pipe that would have benefited both parties been shot down by one side or the other, just out of spite. Is this anyway to run a country and have it prosper? Obviously it isn’t because at times it seems like the walls are coming down around us.
Of course there will always be division and that division is what keeps the whole thing going. However there isn’t any reason that both sides can’t come together and work hand in hand on truly important issues instead of becoming the weekly highlight reel on Fox News or CNN. Hopefully we will see some change soon before it’s too late.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree. Most, if not all, legislation that gets passed benefits the majority party that is voting. When our Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution, they came together and made their differences part of our Government. If they could work together to create something great, why can't our politIcal leaders now? I think about this all the time. Us citizens understand it, we don't put REPUBLICAN or DEMOCRAT stickers on our cars, we put stickers of issues that we want resolved and are willing to work together to make it happen. In Washington it doesn't happen like that at all. When do politicians stop thinking like a person and start thinking like a Republican/Democrat?
